SRS Productions
About SRS
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So, want to know about me, eh wot?

That's right, in the spirit of the first update in a year, a brand-new page has emerged!

Basically, this page will tell you a little bit about myself.

I first got my name from superrainbowsonic (in case you DIDN'T know, though how the hell you didn't I have no idea) while making an account at Gamefaqs, years and years back. I chose the name because

  1. I was a hippy, and loved rainbows
  2. Sonic fans unite!
  3. Added the super on to make me look 'cool'

So that's how I got my name. I've gone around as other names such as Arendan and Arcane Mystic, but SRS is the name I tend to go by these days. I like it, even if it's a little short and doesn't seem to have very much description.

I started out RPG Making about three and a half years ago (typed this in Dec 2007). The first game I made was hell. No dialogue, random pointless battles, and a town in which a person says 'I got robbed! Go get him tiger!' or something of the sort.

My next game was the n00bish version of Ardith's Trials. I made a few sequels to it, but I don't have them anymore. Stupid hard-disk wipe.

I stayed quite n00bish for a while, making short pointless games which I am shameful of, looking back. I even made a Zelda RPG (and didn't even try to be original!).

Eventually, though, I decided to remake Ardith's Trials, and I submitted it to Gamefaqs' RPG Tsukuru board. Rodpop kindly tried it out, but he never gave me feedback on that board. Because before he had the chance, I found a mysterious link to a site in REDDAP's signature. Clicking on it, I found myself in an Invisionfree board. And that is my main place of residence now.

I'm lampooned mostly for being English (and the stereotypical Englishman loves tea, crumpets, and a good game of Croquet), being a somewhat spammy postaholic, having a lousy sense of humour, being a huge fan of the Way, and jumping onto fads whenever I can.

Get the hell away from me if you want any more specific details, stalker.